Liquid light may have yet been the trickiest assignment done this semester. It was back in the dark room for a few days to get her done. Nothing turned out great, in fact much of the time it was like looking at mud. but it was a fine learning experience to be had by all. Let me emphasize word learning a little bit..learning.
Liquid light is a sensitive silver based emulsion that becomes positive/black when exposed to light. It is the substance that dark room paper gets coated in. So it really can be put on any kind of of object if you want that object to have a picture . . . just be careful. . . black slime is inevitable during the first few tries.
These next pictures are the pieces for my final project in 2D. I have been experimenting on weaving non conforming material, like paper, together. And I am getting a cool effect! Can you spot Mr. Sinatra?