Sunday, March 17, 2013

I have glue all over my hands

"The way we make pictures, is we make pictures for people that are interested in specifics. They are not going to be interested in everything. They're going  to be interested in that scene. "I love that scene". Somebody else going to say, "I hate that scene." It's because it has something to do with their life. And in that sense it's not like a movie. It's Ahh... A movie tries to pacify people by keeping it going for them so that it's sheer entertainment. I hate entertainment" John Cassavetes.

    It's the second half of the semester people! And it's a awake call with mid term grades...

    Today, after oversleeping and missing church, I groggily drove to school to pick up a battery that I ordered for the camera, and then hit the ground running trying to start and finish a couple projects that are due for Tuesday. I know I've showed these, but today I had to shoot with film.  I was trying to meter with my digital camera since my film was acting weird and telling me strange things that I didn't believe. I still enjoy looking at these characters, but I feel like it's gosh darn time I moved on to different ones, and a different backdrop.

I'm using characters who are indifferent of each other, 
who live in mental bubbles, 
but yet share the same space. 

    My dear mother sent me a lovely dress today, with a note that implied its potential photographical use! I didn't wait another minute. I'm becoming addicted to using flash during sundown. It's a nice combination of lighting.

    And of course IPC!  I'm creating an old western facade with drinking straws. Who would have thought I would be doing this today. (You know as a kid I used to think that straws were a treasure. Now I after touching and gluing around 500 together, I think pretty much the opposite of that).

  We'll see if the class gets what I am trying to say at all. Context will really bring this deal to life.