Last night I had the honor of meeting a couple new girls from the Vineyard church while participating in Duluth's finest, "Movie in the park". It certainly was a horrible movie, but it was great to be around a happy crowd of folks.
After the movie had ended we walked back to the car, and the two girls and I chatted lightly about what were were doing with our lives, exchanging the normal stats of a young adult,
Like usual they asked where I was living, where I worked, went to school.
Like usual, I stated that I was on the eight year school plan. (This kind of school plan requires the attendance of at least five different college campuses).
Like usual the two girls laughed,
"Art? Oh cool! What kind? Photography?"
Then like usual the dreaded question came up that I have never seemed to find the answer for.
"What do you like to take pictures of? Trees? Babies?"
I never know what to say!!!
So guess what!! I finally decided to state the obvious instead of giving a stupid answer like, journalism or something that sounds careerish like promising.
"...Oh!" unsure laughter.
I quickly then changed the subject to upcoming family tree murals and they sounded impressed. (That's the point of these conversations right?)
We'll let that egotistical answer sit and sulk for now.
I am tampering with idea of making moveable murals. I asked to redo the mural that was finished in January at the Grottes home... there were good ideas on the wall, but I simply don't like what I did. So we try again. I'm not going to be using these photos. Just thought I would see how they looked behind wood.